Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Death Ride 2007

Despite its name and reputation, the Death Ride was amazing and fun! The scenery was beautiful and each mountain pass was uniquely spectacular. Monitor Pass looked like the lunar surface; barren with wide-open, early morning, cool cycling. Ebbetts Pass, at 8,700 feet, had panoramic views of the Sierra mountains- simply magnificent, yet exhausting. And Carson Pass was a cliff-hugging, adrenaline pumping climb ending with the most breathtaking decent of my life (50+ mph for nearly 15 miles) – it was like being on a rollercoaster without any restraints.

The ride itself was challenging and the weather in Markleeville was baking hot. However, our whole team was well prepared. I am so thrilled that my personal ride time was only 11 hours, 57 minutes – and I finished 2nd in our group. According to my Garmin GPS computer, we cycled 125.05 miles and climbed 17,508 feet. Wahoo!

My cycling partner, Gayle Reed, who is a Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor (currently free of cancer after aggressive radiation, chemo, and multiple surgeries), also finished the Death Ride strong. And, a big congratulations goes out to all the other participating cyclists from Sonoma County! You did us proud.

Most importantly, thanks to all my supportive friends who helped me raise $5,300 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Your love, support, and prayers kept me motivated throughout the event.