Sunday, September 18, 2005

Crane Canyon At 42 MPH

Rich Gregori and I embarked on an afternoon hill climbing ride today. We starting with a seven mile, non-stop ascent beginning at Bennett Valley, going on into a very steep grade at Grange that peaked (finally) at Crane Canyon. It was a clear day and we could see Sugar Loaf Ridge, Hood Mountain, and Bennett Mountain - truly beautiful. At an elevation of over 780 ft, Rich decided to speed down Crane Canyon Road at 42 MPH (the speed limit for cars is only 30 MPH). Odessa, you would have freaked out if you saw his "xtreme speed" decent. Finally, I caught up to Rich at Petaluma Hill Road (at the outskirts of Rohnert Park). We then traveled back into the Santa Rosa City limits, through the fairgrounds, and back home - 22 miles!

On Petaluma Hill Road, Rich did take a spill (into a boulder wall) after attempting to "sweep his tire" with his glove, while riding his bike! Luckily, just a little road rash and a bruised ego! The moral of that story; "clean your tires when the bike is not moving".

Awesome Ride! Welcome to the Peloton, Dude!


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