Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Tale Of Two Rides

This morning Marc and I took off from San Miguel School (Faught Road) on an adventure to climb up Franz Valley Road. After a scary trip navigating Mark West Springs Road, with very narrow lanes, we arrived at Franz Valley Road. The challenging part of the climb came quickly, within the first two miles ( We were huffin' and puffin', but before long started a speedy descent (see elevation map). As Marc was smoking downhill, he took a little spill around a curve, but quickly got up and brushed himself off. Weather conditions were perfect and we were able to maintain a nice pace, until we hit Chalk Hill Road for another climb and then proceeded back home. We then met up with the spin girls doing a photo shoot at the Pacific Market (it was nice seeing Leslie out & about without her arm sling). After that, we hijacked Marie for a mini-ride up Hidden Valley Road. She had no problem climbing up the hill, and got off her bike only once to walk (OK, Marie that was your last time walking downhill).

The second ride consisted of our mini-peloton group (Odessa, Erin, Marc & Shaun) and took us to Spring Lake. We went on to do the "Lawndale Loop" with beautiful weather, nice climbs, and a scenic downhill on Schultz Road. As we came to the conclusion of our ride on Pythian Road, Erin made us do spinning exercises (10 seconds full speed, 20 seconds rest) all the way back to Annadel. We zoomed home via Montgomery Drive and arrived at Pearsons for some awesome Focaccia sandwiches- yummy! 68.5 miles.


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