Friday, July 14, 2006

The Tomales Bakery

Today was a blast! Leslie, Len and I drove into Petaluma, finding a space by the park off of Main Street. Len took us out on Western Avenue, with lots of little descents and plenty of rollers, then onto Chileno Valley -- THAT was a great road, with some nice descents, plenty of rollers, and a smooth, paved asphalt! We loved it. Onto Tomales-Petaluma Rd, the main road that dumps you right into downtown Tomales, and yes, the bakery was open! The weather was quite brisk with a slight drizzle most of the time out there, so we were ready for some fresh baked good I had a sticky, gooey pecan bun and Len and Leslie had the less ostentatious scone -- quite good! We met a friendly border collie named Aldo, and he hung out with us while his owner went in for coffee. Alas, it was time to venture on home, and we went back out on Tomales-Petaluma to Twin Bridge, and Leslie got a flat tire right on the 1st part of that road. We got the tire changed, and got back on the road! We headed back on Fallon to Petaluma-Valley Ford, then instead of following that back in, we turned right on a lovely little road called Spring Hill, which Len had warned us was "hilly-er" than Chileno Valley, and boy was that an understatement. There were quite a few nasty little climbs, and we huffed and puffed our way up them all, all three of us staying in our middle ring Spring Hill had a FABULOUS, long descent down where it turned into Western again, and back to the truck. A good 41 miles and over 2,000 feet of climbs. Wahoo!

Check out the elevation map for Chileno Valley Road

Check out the elevation map for Spring Hill Road


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