Saturday, November 18, 2006

Climbin’, Cruisin’, and Crashin’

Debbie, Twyla, Len, Jim (GarMan), and I met at the Cotati Vets Hall to rendezvous with the Santa Rosa Cycling Club for a new hilly climbing route out to the coast. Our brightly colored peloton of 25 cyclists departed amidst foggy skies and moderate temperatures. Most cars yielded the right of way to our big cycling group as we navigated through city traffic. We made our way to the climb up Liberty Road via Stony Point, Jewett, and Center. Our group dispersed as we approached Skillman Lane for a moderate ascent up Eucalyptus Avenue. This route included some very challenging rolling hills over poorly paved county roads. About half way over Middle Two Rock, the climb turned into a screaming descent at Purvine Road. Jim Finn, our GPS navigator, took a nasty spill speeding around the turn and crashing his bike. Debbie and Twyla graciously waited while Jim was transported to Petaluma Valley Hospital, where he was diagnosed and treated for a broken collarbone (click on x-ray photo for details). Jim’s spirits remained positive throughout the ordeal and we look forward to him rejoining the peloton soon. The ride continued up Spring Hill Road until Valley Ford. This seven mile stretch towards the coast had wide shoulders and we enjoyed the flat change of terrain. Next we were treated to a series of steady climbs up Gericke, Fallon-Two Rock, Whitaker Bluff, and Middle Road. Hundreds of sheep packed into Marin County farms lined our route. The midday sun heated up and we shed our arm/leg warmers before descending rapidly into Tomales via Dillon Beach. The bakery was swamped as cyclists, motorcycling clubs, and locals enjoyed fresh pastries (see photo). After devouring cinnamon rolls and nut bars (they were sold out of sticky buns), we headed north, climbing onto Highway 1, descending down Fallon-Two Rock, and climbing back onto Carmody. This route was like a nonstop rollercoaster ride. The cows were out in droves with baby calves all around. We made our way towards Valley Ford onto Walker Road, a very bumpy ascent ending at Pepper. To get back to Cotati, we cycled another five miles onto Mecham, Stony Point, and West Sierra. It was a gorgeous day to cycle 48 miles with friends. Best wishes from all of us, Jim, for a speedy recovery!


At 2:50 AM, Blogger JF said...

Thanks Shaun, and thank you to Debbie, Vicki, and Twyla for making sure I was and stayed ok, and for waiting for my lovely ambulance driver (my girlfriend, the "other" Debbie) to spirit me away to PVH for an x-ray confirming my clavicle fracture. It's a 4 week sentence to my stairstepper and stationary bike until I can rejoin you all (and thank goodness it wasn't my head or spine!). In the meantime - safe and enjoyable riding to all!

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Guboy said...

Jim, it was great fun riding with you TWICE this week. However, both times we were deprived of Sticky Buns. First, due to the closed bakery and secondly due to your crash. Dude, you owe me a ride with a sticky bun ending (ooh, that sounds kinda nasty). In any case, heal up GarMan!! We need your navigational skills and rad electronics.

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jim, Looking forward to seeing you back in the saddle again soon. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Len Allaire

At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was nice meeting you and riding for a short time. Four weeks will go fast and we can all head out again. The bakery and goodys await!!!!
Best wishes for a quick recovery.


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