Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sonoma County Climbing

Debbie, Annette, Kirsten, Odessa, Len, Scott, and I began the Labor Day weekend with a climbing tour of the Wine Country. It was an overcast morning as we departed Santa Rosa, traveling up Old Redwood Highway via Mendocino. Our peloton size kept increasing as we were joined by Len at Larkfield and Annette at Esposti Park. The seven of us proceeded to Chalk Hill via Faught and Pleasant Roads. The journey up Chalk Hill was beautiful, as the mist kept us cool and alert. As we passed the various vineyards, you couldn’t help but notice the big ripe purple grapes dangling heavy from the vines. Our brightly colored gang zoomed together inline down Alexander Valley Road until Red Winery. We made our way to the foot of Pine Flat and began our cold climb up (stopping at the first Geyser Pipeline Recharging station, see photo). We continued our ascent and the chilly haze followed until the 5th mile marker. As the warm sun broke through, blue sky and spectacular views surrounded us. The steady grind uphill continued until we reached the “enchanted forest” (the flats). The previously burn-out woodland was showing new signs of life with baby Pine trees sprouting on both sides of the road. After a well deserved break, we began the journey back down. The sun was out in full force and the final descent was scenic and warm. Len led the pack speeding downhill, nearly hitting two very surprised deer. The cool mist reappeared at the foot of our descent and we then made our way towards Jimtown. After a brief stop at the store for spiced nuts and water refills, our hungry peloton rapidly rode through the Alexander Valley to downtown Healdsburg for a stop at the Oakville Grocery. We enjoyed a relaxing lunch eating oversized focaccia sandwiches and assorted cookies. Our route home took us up the slow climbs of Limerick, Los Amigos, Arata, and Hembree Roads. We cycled through Windsor and back into Santa Rosa via Old Redwood Highway. Annette, Len, and Debbie peeled off from the gang at various spots making their individual ways home. And, with less than a mile to go, Kirsten had a flat tire! Today’s trip was fun, beautiful, and lively. We rode over 64 miles (a metric century) and nearly 3,000 feet of climbing. Wahoo!

See elevation charts for Chalk Hill Road and Pine Flat Road.


At 7:07 PM, Blogger GuKid said...

hi guboy its gukid.go to and click to there videos and click on the amarican idiot video.I wanted to email itto you but I did not now how to.



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