Saturday, November 12, 2005

Conquering The Geysers

What an incredible day! Odessa, Marc, and I departed Santa Rosa at sunrise on a mission to conquer the Geysers. We followed the "Vineyard Tour" route including Chalk Hill out to Alexander Valley enjoying the beauty of the fall colored vineyards on Red Winery Road. Before long, we started our ascent up Geysers Road. This 3,500 feet climb is tough from the very start. During the first 4 miles, the incline became progressively worse. We were then treated to a short descent only to face another grueling climb. This time, the grade was well in excess of 10% and we slowly made our way to the apex of this ghastly road. At the top, we admired huge white pillars of geothermal steam coming from the Geysers and soon had to cope with one of the wildest down-hill descents lasting for 12 miles. We passed countless cyclists as we made our way into Cloverdale, stopping for Apple Fritters, Muffins, and more water! We continued towards Healdsburg (climbing steep Dutcher Creek Road) and had lunch at the Oakville Grocery. We kept up a brisk pace as we cycled through Windsor and back to Santa Rosa. We set a new peloton record traveling 87.4 miles and climbing over 4,500 feet.

Check out the Geysers Road Elevation Map (click below)

Congratulations to Odessa and Marc for their endurance and resolve on this tough ride!


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