Saturday, December 17, 2005

Singing In The Rain

Sporting a full set of leg warmers, layered cycling clothes, and full fingered gloves, Leslie and I embarked on a winter morning cycling trek through the wine country. The online weather report forecast a cool and foggy morning. So, we felt confident (and well-insulated) as we battled the early morning headwinds up Faught Road. We climbed Chalk Hill with a strong, improved cadence through the heavy fog. As we descended, the haze turned to a light sprinkle and we continued on to Alexander Valley Road. On our way to the Jimtown Store, the blue sky turned grey and it began to rain. With our cycling gear now wet, we stopped at Jimtown for warm shelter and a quick snack. Determined to complete this ride, we continued towards Healdsburg as the weather turned to full force showers. The back tire of my bike delivered a constant spray of rainwater to Leslie as we cycled down Healdsburg Avenue. We were now SOAKED and both our jerseys were full of road sand, mud and dirt. It was so hysterical and we were so drenched that we began singing songs out-loud about rain ("raindrops keep falling on my head", "singing in the rain", "fire & rain", "it's raining men", "rain, rain, go away", etc). By the time we reached Santa Rosa, there was a full downpour and we had traveled over 40 miles. Wahoo!


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