Saturday, July 15, 2006

Healdsburg Harvest Ride

Leslie, Rich, Len, Marc, and I met at Healdsburg High School to check in for the annual Harvest Ride. The place was packed with cyclists picking up their free schwag and nibbling on pre-ride snacks. We began the route on Healdsburg Avenue headed towards Geyserville via Lytton Station and Lytton Springs Roads. The road was crammed with cyclists as we carefully navigated away from the slower riders. We made our way to Geyserville Elementary School for the first rest stop. After refueling at the well stocked station (Odwalla Bars, Banana Bread, Fruit, Cookies, and drinks), we were ready to climb. The route continued on Geyserville Avenue and dumped us on Canyon Road. This moderate two mile climb was exhausting as I tried (unsuccessfully) to pass Marc. The descents were windy and the scenery was beautiful as we picked up our group speed on Dry Creek Road, passing hordes of cyclists. We made our way back towards Healdsburg via Chiquita and Grove. The weather began to warm up as we arrived at Healdsburg High School for our final destination. To our surprise the place was overflowing with food (pasta salad, gourmet pizza, fruit, and more). It was a lovely ride; lots of cyclists, lots of support, lots of fun! Wahoo!

Check out the elevation map for Canyon Road


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