Saturday, August 19, 2006

Lucas, Nicasio, Marin County Climbing

Today Marc, Rich, Len, Kirsten, and I departed from Marinwood for a climbing adventure. We started by taking a bunch of neighborhood back roads as we made our way into Lucas Valley. Our first climb up Lucas Valley Road was brutal; however the seven mile screaming descent that followed was quite rewarding. Len and Rich were “descending demons” reaching downhill speeds over 40 MPH. You guys are NUTS! We regrouped at Nicasio Valley Road as we made our way towards to the Reservoir. Nicasio Valley Road had some more substantial climbs and windy descents. Our peloton took a bakery break arriving in the quaint little town of Point Reyes. Several groups of cyclists converged downtown and colorful jerseys lined the streets. We were joined by one of Len’s friends, Bill, from the Santa Rosa Cycling Club (SRCC). After eating our pastries (I had a sticky bun- yummy), we hit the local Fire Station “facilities” and took Platform Bridge Road. We hiked up Olima, another monster hill, and briskly descended into Samuel P Taylor Park. We were met with an unexpected road diversion placing our peloton on a two mile gravel path through the park. We had a rendezvous with Steve, another SRCC member, who joined our growing group. With our tires full of trail dirt, the seven of us finally exited the park together onto Sir Frances Drake Blvd. This winding road was narrow, dark, and full of weekend traffic. We carefully navigated single file for another three miles before reaching the open roads of Nicasio. We embarked on several more climbs including a big ascent up Nicasio Valley Road. As we were climbing, a packed group of speeding cyclists passed us. Marc latched on to this swift professional peloton drafting tightly. I clocked their speed at about 37 MPH before their speed exceeded my ability to keep up. Way to go, Marc! Our group finally caught up at Lucas Valley Road for our final climb. The gradual seven mile hike uphill was worth the effort resulting in an abrupt three mile plunge until Las Gallinas. We navigated our way back to Kirsten’s house for delicious turkey sandwiches, hummus, chips, and chatter. Special thanks to our gracious host for a spectacular day in Marin County. We traveled over 51 miles and climbed our quads raw! Wahoo!


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